Luana Kai Oceanfront Condo Resort has onsite vendors for your Maui wedding services. For the bride and Groom Silver Stitch offers a variety of gown and tux services to for your perfect Maui wedding.
Maui Wedding Photography – Quality wedding photography at reasonable prices can sometimes be difficult to find. Natalie Brown offers both unobtrusively with a great eye for detail and friendly, relaxed demeanor.
Vanessa and Natalie may promote other vendors to help make your Maui Wedding even better.
Silver Stitch: located at Luana Kai
Silver Stitch provides a variety of wedding services right here at your Maui condo rental including:
- Full service alterations and mending
- Gown Steaming
- Brides Maid Gown Steaming
- Veil Press
- Crinolin rental
- Tuxedo and Suit pressing
- In room gown delivery
- Private Dressing on site
- Receive gown and accessory shipments
For more information or to schedule an with Vanessa Thompson call 808-879-0439
More Maui Wedding Services
When you are on Maui to get married and need more Maui wedding services, you can find a coordinator for almost any kind of wedding.
There are a few huge hotel based coordinators. There are many smaller full service ministers such as Hawaiian Ceremonies. Pick the best Maui wedding services for you.
What you should know about Maui Weddings
A coordinator will offer you the best balance in services for your budget. Beach weddings on Maui need a special permit. You may find grassy beach parks to be less costly venues. No champagne or alcohol is ever allowed on beaches or beach parks.
Your wedding coordinator can take care of everything. That includes location, ceremony, hair styling, and gown purchases. They will arrange your entire wedding and offer receptions too. Wedding coordinators will also book music. Guitars and Ukulele are common but you can also book harps and other instruments.
By far the most important thing to remember when planning your wedding on Maui is to stay calm and have fun. See that the rest of your vacation or honeymoon is perfect by staying with us at Luana Kai Resort.