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Jacarandas are in Bloom

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Luana Kai Vacation Rentals

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Every year Jacarandas on Maui begin to bloom in April and by May they have spread a cloak of purple over Upcountry Maui.

While great big blossoms depend from the sky, roadsides and lawns lay littered in purple confetti.

In places where other flowers also splash across the view, a parade of colors can enchant and lift the spirit above the daily rote.



Jacarandas, officially “mimosifolia”, are hardy plants that can thrive on very little water. They are sometimes even considered weeds.

Even the smallest Jacaranda, when pulled from the ground, has a tap root at least as long as it’s height above ground.

Click here for a gorgeous google image search full of large purple jacaranda images and choose one for your desktop background.



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  • To use it right click
  • In some browsers there will be an option to ‘set as desktop background’ right there.
  • In other browsers, choose ‘save image’, or ‘save image as’ .
  • Remember where you save the image and browse for it using your folders.
  • Right click the image and choose ‘set as desktop background’.

For Mac users 

  • Right-click on your Desktop and select “Change desktop background”.
  • drag the image onto the image well in the preferences window.




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